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Press Publications

BGYB and its yachts regularly appear in the international press. You will find here our latest press publications.


GP70: Another World

Le Monde Du Multicoque Magazine - GP70 CATCH ME

Our press publication archive

As a key player in the yachting industry, BGYB invite you to cast an eye at some of the magazine, newspaper and online publications concerning the yachts we have represented, our company’s successes and our collaborators’ work.

  • Le Nouvel Economiste - May 2019

    "Le Nouvel Economiste" is a French newspaper which made an article about the progress of the boating industry this years. It appears that the charter (rent a boat with a crew) is an increasing market, and now renting a yacht or a boat is more accessible. For this reason, BGYB appears in the article as we are a main actor on the market and in this region with more than 30 luxury yachts for charter.

  • "Classic Boat" Magazine Interview

    Bernard Gallay shares some of his more memorable experiences from his time in the yachting industry in a feature in the July edition of Classic Boat. 

  • TwinJet Magazine : Interview with Bernard Gallay

    Discover the interview of Bernard Gallay, founder of BGYB, in the TwinJet Magazine (interview in French)

  • Le Nouvel Economiste - April 2016

    Article on the french boat market, including comments from Bernard Gallay.Feature on BGYB boats and services : MARI-CHA III; NOMAD IV; MAGIC CAT

  • Signature Magazine - Article about 100' Finot Conq NOMAD IV

    Read here the article in Signature Magazine about NOMAD IV and Pascal Conq, creator of exceptional sailing yachts.

  • Bernard Gallay Interview - SIGNATURE - "Bernard Gallay – from rugby to the high seas"

    Discover Signature Magazine's interview with Bernard Gallay, the founder of BGYB,here.

  • Bernard Gallay  Interview on

    Bernard Gallay Interview on is an all-inclusive portal to promote charter, brokerage and new build leads within the industry by directing clients straight to the managing company. Click on the link below to read Bernard Gallay's interview.

  • Interview of Bernard Gallay in Yacht Investor Magazine

    Yacht Investor is a new magazine which specialises in luxury yachting worlwide. In this interview, Bernard Gallay discusses yacht brokering and charter brokering in Europe and in France.

  • BGYB as Central Agent of DARK SHADOW in Superyacht World Magazine

    Article in Superyacht World Magazine about BGYB as the new charter central agent of the Wally Yacht DARK SHADOW. Superyacht World is an international magazine specialised in current news regarding yachts exceeding a length of 25 metres.

  • 4th September 2012 BGYB Press Article Le Figaro

    Founded in 1826, the french newspaper Le Figaro is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. Today, this daily newspaper tends to focus, though not exclusively, on the economy and politics, both in France and internationally.

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