ALDONZA : New Yacht For Sale

ALDONZA : New Yacht For Sale

The spacious motor yacht ALDONZA was built in 1995 by the Spanish shipyard Astilleros de Mallorca. Currently in Palma de Mallorca, she's a yacht in very good condition due to her regular and meticulous maintenance.

August 10, 2023

32m Motor Yacht ALDONZA

ALDONZA boasts a classic interior giving to her guests the feeling of a warm and relaxing stay. Decorated with particular care of details by Willem de Vries Lentsch : she has granite, onyx, marble, lapis lazuli, and the leather upholster accessories. In excellent mechanical state onboard, there are no worries to have. Furthermore, her very elegant and luxurious interior is very luminous with light colored wood.

ALDONZA : New Yacht For Sale

To find out more about the motor yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here : Motor yachts

Please visit ALDONZA page should you wish to know more about this Astilleros de Mallorca Motor Yacht. 

Or go to our Current News page!


    Length : 31.7 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Luxurious interior with Bentley leather furnishings and a hand-carved bar- Long range (4,000 nautical miles) and Caterpillar 3406B propulsion- Flybridge...

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