Antigua Charter Yacht  Show

Antigua Charter Yacht Show

Reserved for brokers, the Antigua Charter Show is the unmissable Caribbean event to find out about the yachts available on the charter market.

Date: 04 - 09 December 2023

Location: Antigua, Caribbean Sea

March 7, 2020

A unique Charter Yacht Show

The Antigua Charter Show takes place annually on the beautiful coast of Antigua and Barbuda which lies in the middle of the Leeward Islands. It offers the world’s largest multinational networking event for Charter Yacht Brokers, Captains, Vendors and Press with a six-day schedule with plenty of professional and social opportunities. The 2022 edition celebrated a full come back from the Covid 19 pandemic and saw brokers and yachts return in full force. Celebrating 62 years since the first show, the 2023 Antigua Yacht Charter Show will offer a glimpse of some of the world’s most luxurious charter vessels.

Antigua Charter Yacht  Show

Maximising visibility for yachts available to charter

In 2022, around 30 the most luxurious charter yacht in the industry from all over the globe assembled in this paradisiacal Caribbean island. This event is massively anticipated by charter professionals as it gives brokers the chance to:

- inspect the magnificent motor and sailing yachts ;
- review the latest trends in luxury yacht chartering ;
- get to know the captains and crews aboard the yachts.

After the yacht show, brokers will be better equipped and energised to propose the yachts displayed in order to meet the tastes and expectations of their clientele, with the reassurance that charters will be successful, having already evaluated the quality of the service provided aboard, the condition of the yacht and the adeptness of the crew.

Day sails

Each year at the Antigua Yacht Show, we finish by providing brokers the chance to join us aboard one of our yachts for the ever-popular Sail Day. This event is a fantastic opportunity for brokers to live through the charter experience, just like their clients might one day. This day includes sailing, anchorage in a bay and a sample tasting menu provided by the chef, allowing brokers to comprehensively evaluate the crew’s hospitality and the comfort on board in order to propose the yachts to their clients who are searching a true yacht of luxury.

As you can see, this yacht show is of ultra-high importance for yachts available for charter, who are looking to grow their status on the market and show off what they can offer. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to exhibit your yacht at the next Antigua Yacht Show.

BGYB Yacht attending this event


    Length : 35 m / Passengers : 9

    Special features : - Latest high-performance yacht from the iconic Nautor Swan shipyard- Large central cockpit and sunbathing area - Impressive 11m² swim platform-...


    Length : 20.4 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Brand new catamaran built in 2022- Air conditioning on board- Heated jacuzzi onboard for two- Overhead projecter screen

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