Catamarans available this winter in the Caribbean!

Catamarans available this winter in the Caribbean!

BGYB is delighted to inform you that three yachts from our fleet will be available for charter in the Caribbean this winter.

August 1, 2022

Relax under the Caribbean sun this winter

Made up of over 700 individual islands, the Caribbean provides an exciting opportunity for exploration for even the most experienced sailors. From white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, charter guests can relax into their deck chairs, fruity cocktail in hand and breath-taking views in front. BGYB provides a range of suggested itineraries for this fabulous destination, each unparalleled with both entertainment and relaxation. Whether you enjoy the cultural immersion of the Bahamas or swimming with the diverse wildlife in the Tobago Cays of the Grenadines Islands, the Caribbean poses an alternate option to the traditional Mediterranean charter with plenty of advantages!

Catamarans available this winter in the Caribbean!

Yachts available in the Caribbean





Low Season Rate : 35 000 $ / week + APA

High Season Rate : 45 000 $ / week + APA

Low Season Rate : 24 000 € / week + APA

High Season Rate : 28 000 € / week + APA



Explore our itinerary suggestions here.

Discover more about these boats by clicking on their files below:


    Length : 20.4 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Brand new catamaran built in 2022- Air conditioning on board- Heated jacuzzi onboard for two- Overhead projecter screen


    Length : 17.8 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : - Modern build, flagship catamaran constructed in 2018- Unrivalled living space thanks to an intelligent design- Competent, experience and accommodating...

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