How is sailing good for your health ?

How is sailing good for your health ?

BGYB is pleased to present a new article on the mental and physical benefits of sailing !

April 19, 2022

A healthy practice

Sailing is a pleasure: whether it is for cruising or during a regatta, this practice is a passion for some. Finding yourself in the heart of the sea or ocean feeling the fresh air and sun has positive effects on your health that you wouldn’t even have imagined!

How is sailing good for your health ?

Positive Effects on the Mind

It is scientifically proven that the sound of waves is soothing. It is like a lullaby for our body, which in consequence reproduces the rhythm, decreasing  stress and bringing total relaxation. The sun also increases serotonin, a chemical that impacts mood and happiness!

In addition, the experience of sailing can lead to the development of social skills: space is constrained in a boat, bringing together the passengers. It also develops non-verbal communication skills, organizational skills and team spirit! It is a mental challenge that improves concentration, because you have to be constantly aware of all the your surroundings and the most minute of details: the weather, the state of the engines, timing.

Positive Effects on  Physical Health

Sailing is a sport! Pulling the ropes, lifting the sails, all this demonstrates the intense physical effort that goes into sailing: the muscles of the back are greatly worked and arms are strengthened increasing agility ! Thus, our body needs a greater input of oxygen, which happens to come from the fresh air from the sea. Allowing a better cardiovascular circulation, it reduces risks of hypertension and heart diseases!

Swimming allows better blood circulation, hence the energizing feeling! Salt water heals some skin diseaseslike how  bath therapies do in spa centres.  At rest, moderated exposure to sun brings Vitamin D, which also plays an essential role in bone development.

In conclusion, sailing can be seen as providing innumerable health benefits!

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