Let's Bring Your Dream Charter To Life

Let's Bring Your Dream Charter To Life

For over 20 years, BGYB has been gathering expertise in the yacht industry and organising luxury charters, meaning we have the experience to ensure that your charter goes as smoothly as possible.

November 19, 2020

Organise Your Dream Charter Now

We are ready and waiting to help you no matter what your charter project may be; perhaps you are looking to escape to the Caribbean this winter, or are already looking towards a Mediterranean getaway in summer 2021. Particularly in these times where health is our upmost priority, a charter can be the perfect solution to relax with family or friends in a safe, secluded manner, reassured by the multiple Covid-19 policies we can put in place for your protection.

Let's Bring Your Dream Charter To Life

To receive a personalised selection of yachts suited to your ideal charter for your perusal, simply communicate to us the following information:


- Type of yacht desired (sailing/motor, monohull/multihull, modern/classic, etc.)
- Number of guests (adults/children)
- Desired destination
- Dates and duration of charter
- Special Requests (amenities on board, activities available, etc.)


Explore our yachts available for charter here, and our suggested destinations and itineraries here.


    Length : 25.13 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : Tenders: 4.2 mtr rib with 40 hp- Yacht refit at Vitters Shipyard in 2018- Equipped with kitesurfing gear and golf clubs- Available for racing charters-...


    Length : 30.48 m / Passengers : 12

    Special features : - Gold medal winner for the RORC Transatlantic 2015, setting a new record. This performance yacht with the sensation of speed and power is equipped with...


    Length : 15.35 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : More about CURANTA CRIDHE- Curanta Cridhe is a custom-built catamaran by Dixon Yacht Design- Complete refit in Winter 2019, 2022 et 2023- Activities on...


    Length : 24.89 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Available for racing charters- Complete scheduled refit in 2022: full service rigging, new engine, new air conditioning - The Swan 82 KALLIMA is...

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