SEMPER FIDELIS : exhibited at the Antigua Yacht Show 2022

SEMPER FIDELIS : exhibited at the Antigua Yacht Show 2022

BGYB is delighted to announce that SEMPER FIDELIS will be exhibited at the Antigua Yacht Show 2022! SEMPER FIDELIS will be available for viewings for all charter brokers who will have the pleasure to visit her and meet the crew !

November 8, 2022

View SEMPER FIDELIS in person!

SEMPER FIDELIS, a brand-new luxury sailing catamaran launched this year, will be available to come onboard and meet her crew this December at the Antigua Yacht Show. Featuring a range of entertainment amenities including water toys, an overhead screen projector and a heated jacuzzi, SEMPER FIDELIS is ideal for a Caribbean cruise. She can accommodate up to 6 guests in her 3 modern cabins, including a master studio with a sea view. Boasting light tones and glass surfaces, SEMPER FIDELIS allows guests to explore in style. Collapse into her sunbathing nets or lounge on her deck for maximum comfort and relaxation on a charter this winter.

SEMPER FIDELIS : exhibited at the Antigua Yacht Show 2022


Boat Show Information on our website:
Antigua Yacht Show : 04 to 09 December 2022


Do not hesitate to contact us to receive a brochure and a detailed estimate:


To know more about SEMPER FIDELIS, go to its dedicated page:


    Length : 20.4 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Brand new catamaran built in 2022- Air conditioning on board- Heated jacuzzi onboard for two- Overhead projecter screen

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