YAGIZA : New Racing Yacht available for sale!

YAGIZA : New Racing Yacht available for sale!

BGYB is delighted to announce the availability for the First 53 YAGIZA sale! Built in 2020 by Beneteau and designed by Biscontini Yacht Design, this 17.12m yacht combines elegance and performance. Visible in Marseille, she is impatiently awaiting her new owner!

January 22, 2025

YAGIZA: Sailing excellence!

YAGIZA, a magnificent FIRST 53 racing yacht built by the prestigious Beneteau shipyard, represents the perfect balance between performance and comfort. Designed by Biscontini Yacht Design and adorned with details by Lorenzo Argento, this 17.12-metre yacht combines contemporary elegance with high technology. YAGIZA has been carefully maintained by a former captain and optimized for racing. With a top speed of up to 23 knots and a set of North 3Di competition sails, she offers smooth, fast sailing. Based in Marseille, YAGIZA is a unique opportunity for demanding sailing enthusiasts. Available for sale now!

YAGIZA : New Racing Yacht available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's yachts for sale, please visit the dedicated page: Racing yacht

To find out more about this First 53, visit the YAGIZA page

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    Length : 17.12 m

    Special features : North 3Di sail systemBlack lacquered aluminium mast with three spreadersRetractable bow and stern thrusters44,000 BTU air conditioning60 L/h watermakerB&G...

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