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Yacht for sale


O’REMINGTON is a legendary wooden gaff schooner. Her history is linked to the city of Cannes since the famous film director Frederico Fellini redesigned her interiors. O’REMINGTON sports the golden palms of the Cannes Film Festival at her bow. The last reconditioning from 2017 to 2021 was carried out under the control of the French surveyor Patrick Mage. She is now a class yacht of French heritage interest with a berth in Cannes at a reduced cost. She has great potential for commercial activities in luxury charter or events.


Do not hesitate to contact us to receive her specification.

Model Classic Gaff Schooner Year built / Refit 1948 / 2021 Builder Cantiere Di Donna Gaeta, Italy Length 28,60 m Beam 5,60 m Draft 2,80 m Displacement 0,00 t Construction Wood Engine 385 HP IVECO Aifo 265 kW
Fuel capacity 2,700 l Water capacity 1,500 l Generator(s) 12 kVA ONAN CUMINS – New 2019 Flag French Cabins 5 Guests 6

News & publications

  • O'REMINGTON: Classic Yacht for Sale
    March 30, 2023

    O'REMINGTON: Classic Yacht for Sale

    The history of this incredible schooner is linked closely to the city of Cannes since the famous director Frederico Fellini redesigned her interior. O'REMINGTON even bears the golden palms of the Cannes Film Festival at her bow. During her refurbishments in 2017 and 2021, she remained...

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