Rolex Middle Sea Race 2022 : Our Yachts Participated

Rolex Middle Sea Race 2022 : Our Yachts Participated

In 2022, the Rolex Middle Sea Race 2022 in Malta saw 4 of our yachts compete: discover their performances!

October 27, 2022

An Outstanding Performance !

Every year, the Rolex Middle Sea Race takes place in Malta. Organised by the Royal Malta Yacht Club since 1968, the competition welcomed more than 50 sailing yachts in 2022, including four available at BGYB: two from our charter fleet and two from our sales fleet :

Rolex Middle Sea Race 2022 : Our Yachts Participated

Available for sale, the brilliant WILD JOE achieved a podium for this prestigious race, finishing 3rd in the overall IRC standings and 2nd in the IRC1 standings. As for ARAGON, the Reichel Pugh designed model, came 9th in the general classification, then 7th in the IRC 1 classification.

Racers-cruisers KALLIMA and LUCE GUIDA, available for charter, were also able to take part in the competition this year. 

BGYB warmly congratulates Laurent Pagès, a broker from the BGYB team, who participated in this race as a tactician and navigator aboard TEASING MACHINE, winner and new star of the 2022 Rolex Middle Sea Race. 

Sold in spring 2022 by BGYB, the very fast ex-HIGH SPIRIT, now bearing the name SPIRIT OF LORINA, ranked 2nd overall and 1st in the IRC Class 1 classification.

To learn more about our racing yachts for sale: Racing Yachts

To learn more about our racing yachts available for charter : Racing Yachts

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