TELSTAR VI: New Price Reduction

TELSTAR VI: New Price Reduction

BGYB is pleased to announce a price reduction for the classic Ketch TELSTAR VI. Built by the Cantiere Craglietto Yard, she is now available for 850,000 EUR. Don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit on board!

May 27, 2024

TELSTAR VI: Classic Elegance at Sea!

TELSTAR VI is a classically designed ketch, with the character and style of the 60s and the comfort, facilities and benefits of a modern-day luxury yacht. She was designed in 1967 by renowned naval architect Alan Buchanan and built in Italy by the 'Cantiere Craglietto' shipyard. Her keel was laid in 1967 and construction completed in 1968. Take advantage of the new price reduction to €850,000!

TELSTAR VI: New Price Reduction

TELSTAR VI is a fishing boat of closed construction, built of mahogany and oak. She underwent a major refit in Malta in 2012 and again in 2019, when she was completely renovated to meet the requirements of the MCA flag.

As well as her elegant design, typical of a boat from the 1960s, the pearl of TELSTAR VI is her interior designed by Linleys of London. The woodwork is spectacular, with mother-of-pearl inlay. Each bathroom has a unique feature with mosaic tiles. Her classic, comfortable interior accommodates up to 6 guests in a master cabin, a double cabin, and a twin cabin.

TELSTAR VI has two Doosan 338kw engines, driving two shafts for high cruising power at 12 knots. Combined with the hydraulic bow thruster, she can be easily manoeuvred by a crew of two in harbour and at anchorages. 

To find out more about the yachts for sale at BGYB, visit the dedicated page: Sailing Yachts

Visit the TELSTAR VI page for more information about this boat for sale.

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