ULTIM EMOTION 2:  participates in the 2022 RORC Carribean 600

ULTIM EMOTION 2: participates in the 2022 RORC Carribean 600

ULTIM EMOTION 2 is a trimaran that has proven itself in many races since 2012; its remarkable lightness allows navigation at more than 40 knots, which is a real pleasure at the helm and gives the feeling of flying.

February 23, 2022

ULTIM EMOTION 2: The ideal Racing Trimaran

Well equipped and in perfect shape, the rare Ultim Maxi 80 ft Trimaran has been chartered in view of its participation among the 73 other sailboats in the 13th edition of the RORC Caribbean 600. The departure was on 21 February 2022 from Antigua (Caribbean). A particular moment in this race placed the Maxi Trimaran ULTIM EMOTION 2 at the centre of attention: one of its competitors had to rear up on one hull to avoid collision, giving rise to a spectacular escape.

ULTIM EMOTION 2:  participates in the 2022 RORC Carribean 600

Available for charter at BGYB, ULTIM EMOTION 2 is available for the Heineken Regatta (Saint-Martin: March 3 to 6, 2022) and Les Voiles de St Barth (April 17 to 23, 2022) but also for the RMSR, Transatlantic races and the Cape2Rio.


To see the video of the spectacular escape : Video

To follow the race : 2022 Fleet Tracking RORC Caribbean 600

To discover our racing boats available for charter : Racing boats for charter

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