SEAZEN II Sailing Catamaran: Special Offer for July Charter!

SEAZEN II Sailing Catamaran: Special Offer for July Charter!

BGYB is pleased to announce that SEAZEN II is offering a discount on a week-long charter this July 2024! From 12 - 19 July 2024, this Sunreef 70 sailing catamaran will be available at a reduced rate in the West Mediterranean. She can welcome up to 8 guests in 4 cabins, as well as 4 crew members!

May 14, 2024

Sunreef 70 Sailing Catamaran SEAZEN II

Built in 2008, SEAZEN II is a modern Sunreef catamaran available for charter in the West Mediterranean this summer. Her GRP hull and superstructure allows her to cruise at a comfortable 8 knots and reach a maximum speed of 10 knots. Her low draft of 1.90 metres makes her makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shoreline. Her expansive exterior further leads into a Japanese minimalist inspired interior that is suitable for all occasions. She features 3 double cabins and 1 twin cabin that create a comfortable haven for a maximum of 8 guests. She has been designed to be ideal for families with children.

SEAZEN II Sailing Catamaran: Special Offer for July Charter!

Special Offer : SEAZEN II is offering a 10% discount on charters in order to fill a gap in her calendar. Please find the details below.


12 - 19 Jul 2024

Discounted Rate:

34 200 EUR/week + VAT + APA


French Riviera or Corsica / Sardinia


View her 360° digital experience here


Visit SEAZEN II's dedicated webpage to read more about this catamaran

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