MAGIC CAT: New Photos!

MAGIC CAT: New Photos!

We are delighted to offer you a selection of new photos of 25m catamaran MAGIC CAT!

July 26, 2022

A fresh new look at MAGIC CAT

Constructed among some of the fastest boats on the planet at the Multiplast shipyard, MAGIC CAT is renowned for her sailing performance by many experienced professionals. Those who find themselves at her helm, often are surprised by her abilities. The comfort, stability and safety on board regularly put all guests at ease. Thanks to regular refits and maintenance, MAGIC CAT’s interior is as luxurious as her exterior, with plenty of space. She also features a spacious cockpit and many sun platforms for guests to enjoy. With a wide selection of water toys, MAGIC CAT offers a fun-filled experience on wakeboards and waterskis. The onboard crew is highly professional and ensure a relaxing trip.

MAGIC CAT: New Photos!

Charter Rates :

 High Season : 38 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA
Low Season : 35 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA

Available for charter in Croatia, Sicily and the Aeolian Islands.

Click on her file below to discover her new photos, or contact us to receive her pdf brochure ...

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